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    ICESCO Holds Meeting with World Universities to Examine Proposal to Set up Civilizational Dialogue Center

    9 December 2020

    The Islamic World Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (ICESCO) held yesterday, a consultative meeting with several renowned world universities, including Yale, Coventry, and Singapore National University to discuss cultural cooperation prospects and examine the establishment of ICESCO Civilizational Dialogue Center.

    Representing ICESCO in the meeting were Amb. Khalid Fathalrahman, Head of the Department of Dialogue and Cultural Diversity; Dr. Sidra Tariq Jamil, Communication Expert at the Department. Dr. Michael Hardy, Professor and Executive Director of the Centre for Trust, Peace, and Social Relations, represented Coventry University. Also in attendance were Dr. Jonas Elbousty, Director of Undergraduate Studies and Faculty member at the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations at Yale University (NELC), Dr. Mustafa Izzuddin, Adjunct Senior Lecturer at the National University of Singapore and Visiting Professor at the Islamic University of Indonesia (UII).

    During the videoconference, Amb. Fathalrahman gave an overview of the ICESCO Civilizational Dialogue Center project, its objectives, and action areas. He reaffirmed that the action of the center, which will host a select group of international experts, will be in line with the Organization’s outreach policy adopted as part of its new vision.

    The participants welcomed the proposal and expressed their universities’ willingness to cooperate with ICESCO. The participants also reaffirmed the need for prioritizing the youth as being change agents and put forward elaborated ideas that will provide substantial input for boosting the ongoing efforts to promote the role of the Organization in the field of civilizational dialogue.

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